Can louvres act as a balustrade or fall protection?

Posted by Jay Stewart on Aug 29, 2024 10:02:13 AM
Jay Stewart
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Can louvres act as a balustrade or fall protection?

Louvres are often fixed to the side of balconies to provide privacy from neighbouring apartments. As a result, we often get asked, can the louvres act as a balustrade? In short, the answer is yes but there are some things to consider.  

Where do I need a balustrade?

In New Zealand, fall protection is required on all openings where someone could fall a distance of over one metre. This addition to the F4 section of the building code is designed to stop people from injuring themselves by falling from dangerous heights. Windows, balconies, porches, and stairs all require this safety feature in order to be code compliant. These barriers have strict design requirements to ensure they keep people safe from falling and injuring themselves.

An aluminium balustrade system is a popular choice to both meet this safety requirement and enhance the aesthetics of a home. Also, sometimes called handrails by architects, these barrier systems can range from basic designs to elaborate statement pieces, and can be made from materials such as timber, aluminium, classic wrought iron, and impact resistant glass or plastic.

Custom balustrades nz

What is the difference between a balustrade and a louvre?

A balustrade is a system of structural posts and vertical infill (also called balusters) that is used as a barrier. The height of a balustrade is generally required to be at least 1000 mm, as stated in table 1 of F4 of the NZBC. With vertical balusters, the gap cannot exceed 100 mm as outlined in figure 1 of F4. 

In New Zealand, the materials used to construct the balustrade system need to be strong enough to withstand wind and barrier point loads. The barrier loads vary depending on the occupancy level of the building and is something the engineer has to consider when completing their calculations.

A louvre is a pattern of repeating slats that can be fixed, rotating or sliding. They are generally used for solar control, privacy, aesthetics, ventilation or for protection against the elements. In a louvre, slats can be installed either vertically or horizontally. As mentioned earlier, these uses make them a great addition to balconies. In order to be compliant to act as fall protection, louvres must comply with the same standards as balustrades. The louvres must be a minimum 1000 mm high, the gap between vertical louvres mustn’t exceed 100 mm, the gap between horizontal louvres mustn’t exceed 35mm and the louvres need to be able to resist barrier point loads.

Louvres NZ

Do I need PS1?

A PS1 is a document signed by a qualified and registered professional stating that a particular building material is compliant with the relevant clauses of the NZBC. Balustrades are designed to keep the building occupants safe from falling, so a relevant clause of the NZBC is B1 (structural). A structural engineer is required to prepare the relevant calculations to demonstrate compliance with B1 and issue a PS1. 

Why choose Aurae?

At Aurae, we have an in-house design team that can support you with shop drawings and project specific PS1s for our louvres. Our experienced team partners with architects to provide louvre designs that meet architectural brief, and comply with the NZBC. By partnering with Aurae, you’ll get the best in design and quality, as well as the required documentation.

Some of Aurae’s designs can be seen in high-end modern developments. The Swindon Close project in Mellons Bay, Auckland used Aurae’s fixed louvre panels both in a fencing system in the front of the property as well as a second-story barrier. This design enhanced the modern style of the home, as well as added the practical uses of a louvre balustrade. Caldera Drive in Long Bay, Auckland also showcases the kind of custom touch Aurae can offer, with homes featuring both custom modern art louvre window facades and patio louvre roofs.

Louvre panels

Ready to start your custom project?

If you have any questions about a custom project, or you are looking to design a louvre solution, contact us. Our team of experts will get back to you and provide the best experience. For inspiration, browse our gallery, and some of our favourite louvre projects, or find all the specifications, customisations, inspiration, and details in our full louvre brochure. Click below for your free downloadable copy.

Topics: Louvre




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